Moving Day

We did it!  The Venderia is now up and running at Beulahland, turning out necessities, luxuries, and everything between.  Daniel from Smitty's came over this morning, dollied the machine outta the garage, loaded it into his truck, wheeled it along the street and sidewalk, and set it right up.  He said he'd never seen a vending machine owner take so many pictures of the moving process.  He also said mine was the beautiful machine he'd ever laid eyes.  Oh yes he did!  And believe me, Dan knows vending.  He's a real pro.  He didn't even break a sweat during the move.  He wouldn't let me buy him a beer after transport cuz he had to go back to work, but he's gonna come to the opening party June 27th, so you know I am going to hook him up.
Check it:

You probably want me to show you a picture of the machine head-on in it's new home.  Well, I'm not gonna!  Go to Beulahland and see it for yourself 118 NE 28th Ave.

While you're there, play the chance and you may win one of these lovely coloring kits I put together yesterday.  One side is drawn on (but you can add to it), and the other side is blank and ready for  your artistic flair.  Thanks to everybody who came to the Cinco de Mayo party for helping out with these.


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