Thank you, thank you very much

   It comes as no surprise that Memphis is a gold mine for 45s.  With you music-hungry customers in mind, I bought as many good ones as I could.  Be ready.  I'm restocking today.  
    I also got to talk about voodoo and voodoo dolls with a real and very knowledgable practicing witch at the Hoodoo Museum. She thinks using old Barbies as voodoo vessels is a great idea.  Now that I took the top row out of the machine and have space for taller, leggier items, and now that the weather is getting gray and crummy and people are feeling vengeful, I think it's time to get serious about making VaVaVoom Voodoo Dolls for the Venderia.   It's cold out.  Nobody wants to sleep alone.  Trap that lover!  We need these dolls on the market.
     Anyway, lots to do. It's good to be back. Thanks to my friends in Memphis for showing me a great time, and thank you for the inspiration.  Thank you very much.


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